Selasa, 11 Disember 2012


Tarikh yang sungguh istimewa untuk sesetengah orang, bagi saya, sekadar hari biasa yang diharungi bersama anak-anak tercinta di rumah, can't believe that I actually have 2 children now.

Menu lunch hari ini, bubur nasi ayam untuk dimakan bersama kanak-kanak ribena di rumah, iqmal sedang ambil nap, so makan dulu dengan kakak je jap lagi.

Got message from my sister at home, our neighbour died  this beautiful morning, Still not receive any reply from her why....hmmm....may God bless him in the hereafter. He was very helpful to mom and dad while he was around. Rest in peace paklongDin.....

Isnin, 3 Disember 2012

on or off...

after almost 35 yrs of marriage, ayah left home for more than 5 days now, not sure what will happen next but it's all his call....and the reason for all this is MONEY!!! damn you....

Selasa, 27 November 2012

I'm scared....

Everytime my little girl is in contact with her uncles, I'm worried God protect her from every evils in this world....I just dont trust them....

Ahad, 18 November 2012

Selepas cuti....

yippie....i bought a new book on sewing women's apparel, hopefully it will help me sewing better heheh....

last week, a long holiday for ayah, he bought us to PD then on the way back home, he said "Let's go to melaka"...hah?? mane cukup baju...belasah je, bende macam ni tak pnah jadi lagi after married so melaka we go for another night. Dapat la kakak mandi laut as in PD, dia mandi kolam je coz hujan, x sempat nak main pasir n mandi laut. As for adik, he's afraid of the 'ombak', swing him to fall on the sand haha....sangat takut...being clingy so mummy cant get to play with the sea, tengok je huhu....

balik kl, penat giler....laundry proses x buat ape pun lagi....uwaaaaa....mesin basuh lak rosak...

selamat menjahit makcik!!

Selasa, 6 November 2012

kampung yeayyy

dah lama x balik kg....raya haji yang lepas pun kat umah je sebab the kids were not well....malas nak lyn kerenah diorg yg sakit kat umah lain....lain macam sket kan budak2 sakit ni...ptg ni my brother will come for his interview tomorrow...maybe kitorg balik kg weekend ni huhu...nak anta dia balik la...mesti kakak suka....dia asek tgk je video kat kg n our vacation to pd....dah rindu nak jalan jauh la tu...siap buat blocks for her 'rumah baru', she called the hotels....haihhh dah besar anak aku 2 org ni...